
Traveler’s Quest is a GPS game made specifically for the iPhone.  In this game, you are the traveler, the hunter, the pirate who is trying to find the treasure, complete collections and gain achievements.  During this time, you’re also collecting the stories of your adventures.  Now it’s your turn to share your stories, and become part of the legend of Traveler’s Quest.

3 Replies to “Welcome!”

  1. I would say the best TQing was when Paul and I found a nice stash of Mac Mike’s in the foothills west of Boulder, CO. There was basically two places where you could stand and still have coverage, and they were about 15 feet apart. It was hilarious to watch us stand there for 15 minutes getting those treasures. Shortly after that, we agreed to our truce. It felt good to rob him of his gold! 🙂

  2. Hello TQ! This looks like a great site, thanks for putting it together. I look forward to talking about my travels, and hearing others kvetch about my plundering!

    Located somewhere _deep_ in Colorado.

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